Bon Jour!
So, today was dressage day. And we were as prepared as we could ever be. The first rider in the ring started at 8am and the last rider didn’t go until 4:45. I rode my test at 4:26. I was a bit unnerved about my late dressage time, but changed my thinking quickly as I was able to watch tons of riders and tests before me. It allowed me plenty of time to map out just how I was going to ride my test.
I spent most of the day watching the other 60 + competitors ride their tests prior to me. Oh and of course polishing and buffing every inch of tack and equipment I was going to use. And making sure Bucky was as white as he could ever be.
The time came for us to get prepared and warm up for dressage. Luckily for me, Will Coleman committed to coaching me throughout the weekend and he has truly been there for me through every step thus far. He warmed me up before my test. He presented every last little detail to me in the warm up that could help me get a better score on each movement. He was so into my warm up that I looked over at him for instruction a few times and he literally air riding Bucky while explaining what he wanted me to do! All in all, Bucky warmed up great and was ready to show what he had.

After the dressage I hopped off Bucky and went to walk the cross-country course with Will. And, much to my advantage the cross-country course is BIG and TOUGH and demands tons of technical questions to be answered! And guess what guys…that is what Bucky does best. And that is where I would rather be on my confident scopey Thoroughbred over a fancy moving Warmblood ANY DAY! We are ready to rock.
I will write more about the cross country tomorrow. I mean come on… I have got to keep you looped in somehow! However, I will give you a sneak preview of just how serious the fences are.
I have attached some pictures here. I only have one mediocre picture of my dressage today, but more to come. But, I do have a few good cross country pictures.
Stay tuned….
Linds & Buckaroni
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