Mythic Landing Enterprises offers an array of professional services to help businesses succeed. Our knowledgeable, creative, and resourceful team specializes in communications, marketing, business management, and event planning. Based in the heart of Maryland, we support U.S. and international clients ranging from one-person start-ups to nationally recognized associations. Our mission is to take your business to the next level!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Mythic Landing Events Has Moved!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Space available in tomorrow's Stephen Bradley clinic
Friday, March 25, 2011
The drama!
We untacked and put her sheet on and put her in her stall, where she immediately laid down. Something I've never seen Lissell do before in her stall. Hmmm. Somethings not right. Then she starts groaning and looking at her belly. Oh please Lissell, please don't colic! So I sit with her for awhile, she's not rolling and has normal vital signs. It was around 4pm, so I called my vet before he finished up for the day. I ended up giving her a 1/2 tube of UlcerGard (it's all I had) and some banamine. Well I guess me messing with her mouth was enough to bother her and she got right up and started begging for food. I gave her some hay and checked on her awhile later and decided she looked good enough to get half of her dinner.
She trotted out to the field with the other horses and made some grumpy faces at the gelding, so I figured all was well again. I kept an eye on her while I finished feeding the barn, and checked on her again before I left, and all seemed ok.
Oh Lissell. The drama. You scared the begeezes out of me.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Susan Graham White on April 9th ... space still available!
I still have room in the upcoming Saturday, April 9th clinic with Susan Graham White. If you're interested in a slot (or two!), please let me know soon!
Date: Saturday, April 9th
Location: Oatland Stables in Brookeville, MD
Remember that lesson slots are $125 for a 45-minute private lesson. Payment is due at the beginning of your lesson. If you'd like to pay with credit card, please let me know when you sign up and I'll give you directions for that ahead of time.
Lessons run from 11am - 6:45pm.
More on Susan: Not only is Susan an active upper-level competitor, but she also judges at many of area shows where YOU compete. Take this opportunity to learn what a licensed judge has to say! You can choose between either doing a traditional lesson OR having a "fix-a-test" lesson. You choose!
Susan is an FEI dressage rider and trainer based at Wolfhaven Farm in southern Maryland. She has been an active instructor, trainer, and competitor in dressage for 25 years, and have successfully trained and coached students through the Advanced 3-day level in eventing, and to FEI levels in dressage. She is also a licensed national USEA dressage and event judge, and an international FEI event judge. Susan travels extensively teaching and judging both internationally and throughout the United States.
Susan's web site: www.sgwdressage.com
Questions?? E-mail me at margaret@mythiclandingevents.com
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
PRO DerbyCross Photos!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Southern Pines Recap
Margaret Rizzo
President, Mythic Landing Events, LLC
Follow me at http://mythiclandingevents.blogspot.com or http://twitter.com/mythiclanding
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Settled in
We're all settled in. Lissell and I went for a quick hack and then a short trot and canter to stretch her legs. The other horses were a bit fresh which made me all the more thankful for Miss Lissell's age and experience.
Today we're hacking in the morning and then cross country schooling this afternoon.
I had a bit of food poisoning last night which is making me move a little slow this morning.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Driving to SP
We've been on the road since 5:15. We stopped to get gas and offer everyone water. Tex had taken all of Lissell's hay out of the net so we did some rearranging and are back on the road. Julie is driving this second leg of the trip. I'm so thankful she's here!
That's Lissell with the flymask and Tex in my trailer. Kelley has Rumble, Comet and Athena in her big rig.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Susan Graham White Clinic in April!
I just spoke with Susan, and she's wrapping up her Florida trip and was nice enough to schedule us for an April clinic. AND it's on a Saturday! So ... let me know if you'd like a slot (or two!) at one or both of the clinics and if you have any time constraints.
Date: Saturday, April 9th
Location: Oatland Stables in Brookeville, MD
Remember that lesson slots are $125 for a 45-minute private lesson. Payment is due at the beginning of your lesson. If you'd like to pay with credit card, please let me know when you sign up and I'll give you directions for that.
Lessons run from 11am - 6:45pm.
Questions?? E-mail me at margaret@mythiclandingevents.com.
For more information about Susan ...
Check out her web site: www.sgwdressage.com
Or an article from EventingUSA, "From the Judge's Box": click HERE
**If you'd like to be added to the mailing list for SGW Clinics or Stephen Bradley Clinics, please let me know!
It's always something ...
Margaret Rizzo
President, Mythic Landing Events, LLC
Follow me at http://mythiclandingevents.blogspot.com or http://twitter.com/mythiclanding
Friday, March 4, 2011
Position Available at Mythic Landing Events
MLE is growing faster than I thought and after much thought, I've decided that it is time to hire an Account Manager. Keep reading for a basic job description …
** Account Manager (AM) will be responsible for a set amount of clients. AM will be responsible for all aspects of that client's account.
** MLE does everything from one-time press releases to annual ad campaigns to finding sponsors for top riders to creating web sites. Basically, we cater to the needs of our clients. No job is too small … or too big.
** AM will be required to come into the MLE office (in Gaithersburg/Damascus, MD) for a minimum of 4-8 hours each week. All other work can be done from AM's home.
** MLE's graphic design team will be available for AM's use for a set number of hours each month. The graphic design team can be utilized for ad and web design.
** AM will have access to MLE's database and supplies.
** AM should have a love of writing, everything from blogs to articles to web site copy.
** AM should have knowledge of the horse industry (read: should know what USET is and be able to name/describe almost all of the disciplines represented).
** AM should be super creative, outgoing and well-disciplined.
** Commission based. To be discussed individually with each applicant.
I think it would be the perfect position for a stay-at-home mom with young kids at school, or a grad student. But really, someone could just take this position and run with it, making it into a full-time gig.
If you're interested, please e-mail your resume and a writing sample to margaret@mythiclandingevents.com.