Saturday, May 23, 2015

Cross Country Day at Virginia CCI1*! (with Ella Groner)

XC Pit Crew!
Icing while eating lunch.
Cross country day!! We arrived at the barn bright and early to feed Linus, and he went for a long graze with Ryan while I walked my course again. This time I went by myself to really focus on what I can do to have the best ride possible.  I started getting Linus ready and headed out to warm up at 11am. Linus was a bit wild, but was jumping great!  He took off out of the start box, and was definitely ready to go!  We made it around the first part of the course a bit speedy, but he had calmed down by the time we made it to the halfway mark.  The first three jumps he went right over. Jump 4AB was a bending line combination and it was the first real test on the course. He was a bit wild and I was worried about having him come back to me and pay attention, but we worked it out and he jumped right through!  Jump 6 was a giant brush fence with a bending line to 7AB, which was a ditch to a skinny.  He jumped 6 huge, but had his eyes set on the ditch!  Once again, he was amazing!  That's when we really started to get going and everything else rode extremely well!  Going through the finish flags was the most relieving part of the day.  We went straight to the vet box where Linus' TPR's were taken. I am so thankful for my pit crew of my mom, Ryan, and my dad who helped to keep him walking and sponged off.  He was then checked again after 10 minutes and had cooled down so well he was released from the vet box.  He led me back to his stall, trotting the whole way, little did he know he was about to get a bath and be put in ice.  After that we had a young riders vet evaluation, and Linus jogged up great!  He was given IV fluids, and was iced again.  After all his icing, I jogged him up for his vet, Jill Copenhagen, poulticed and wrapped, grazed him, and 12 hours later, put him away for the night.  Early morning tomorrow, jogs are at 8:30am!  
More multi-tasking: icing, IV fluids and eating hay.

XC Minute Markers

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